
Edit a task

Manage your tasks as you wish

It only makes sense that if you can create task, you should be able to edit it.

You can edit a task in the following ways;

  1. Click on the component of the task you would like to edit on the task list (except task titles; this opens the task drawer) in either your “My tasks” page or project task list page or;

  2. Click on the menu (the three dots) beside the task and click edit to edit all components of the task or;

  3. Within the task drawer (click on the task title or click on view more from the task menu to open the task drawer), click on any of the task components or navigate to the menu on the bottom right and click edit.

  4. Make your changes and remember to save them by either clicking on the green checkmark or the update button that appears at the bottom of the task drawer.

Note: Only project managers and organisation admins can edit project tasks.