
Create projects

Manage projects on Braudit

Projects are a great way for your entire team to have a central space to track and work on tasks related to a project. Note that projects can only be created by users who are organisation Admins or Managers on Braudit.

Follow the steps below to create a project

  1. Go to the projects page from your side panel. Click on the “create project” button or “+” icon button on the page to create a new project space.

  2. On the new project page, you’ll see a form to fill that covers the key components of your project. Give your project a title, description, timeline (start and end date) and then select those who would be working on the project. You can assign your users as either project managers or collaborators. Each role has different levels of control within a project.

    1. Project managers can create and assign tasks as well as edit the project space. Collaborators only have view access to the project space and can update the status of the tasks they’ve been assigned.

    2. You can choose to add project tags and project milestones if you want, but you could always add them later.

  3. Once you’ve filled the form, click “create”

  4. Once you’ve created your project, you can now start creating tasks relevant to your project.

  5. You can always edit your project when you click the edit icon located at the top right, beside the project title.